March 5 - 8 Happenings!

We finally had our first snow day!

The kiddos were so excited to have played in the snow over the 3 day weekend, and I was excited to have another day spent with my family!!

We had an assembly on Tuesday and learned about the R in RAISE, which stands for Respect!  The kiddos loved being able to give the bulldog a high five!

Jacob made sure the Grinch was able to read in our library!

Matthew worked so hard this week writing all the sounds he heard in the words for his story! 

We are all working on writing with our BEST handwriting!

The kiddos played Roll-A-Word and wrote these Snap Words!

For math, we worked on determining if a set had more or less than another set.

The kiddos also hunted for picture cards around the room.  They then wrote the number that was one less and one more than the number on each card.

We read The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Dewalt.  I then challenged the kiddos to draw a picture and use EVERY color crayon in their pencil box!  They did a great job!

Fun with our friends!

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