December 11 - 17

The holidays are here!

This week we had two visitors:  Mr. Tiber taught us about Hanukkah and Mrs. Beckley brought a reindeer craft for us to complete!

The story we read was Whose Garden Is It? by Maryann Hoberman.  In this story we learned that a garden belongs to everything that lives, grows, works, and aids growth in a garden.  We talked about how classroom belongs to all of us and how it would be different if a single person was not here.

The kiddos drew and labeled three animals that live in a garden!

We learned the letters x and y this week.  The kiddos sorted pictures by the initial sound, drew a picture for each letter and practiced writing both letters.

While listening to I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Bell, the kids fed the old lady!  They then walked around the room, found, and copied down some of the items she swallowed.

For art, we made tissue paper gloves for our windows!

 The kiddos worked to sort snowballs by initial sound to build a snowman!

For math, we learned about triangles, positional words, and solid shapes!

Fun on Monday out in the snow!

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