May 30 - June 2 Happenings!

Welcome to June!

The last month of school has arrived.  The next three weeks will fly by and before we know it, the kiddos will be first graders!

On Thursday we participated in and attended the Spring Concert!  The kiddos did a fantastic job singing, as well as being attentive audience members.

This week our story was Building Beavers, a nonfiction book all about beavers!  We learned the difference between a lodge and a dam.  We also learned the three uses of a beavers tail: 1. balancing, 2. warning others about predators, and 3. turning while they swim.  The children really enjoyed this story!

We introduced our last Trick Word this week: one!  We also worked on sounding out and spelling CVC words.

Let's Find Out
We learned the most important ways to stay safe while playing in/around the water this summer!  We discussed the importance of wearing sunscreen and walking not running around a pool.


Reading Groups
Our reading groups this week read stories about building with blocks, as well as building a road.  One group read all about river otters!

Handwriting Center
The boys and girls wrote their last names!

Fundations Center
The kiddo fished for Trick Words!  They took turns catching a Trick Word and then recording what they caught by coloring the word on their paper. 

Social Studies Center
We followed along to a story about Memorial Day!

ABC Center
The kiddos wrote, traced, colored, highlighted, and stamped their final Trick Word: one

Book Circle
We followed along to a short story and searched for/circle the word one.

Writing Center
The students wrote a sentence and drew a picture to share what beavers use to build their homes!

Science Center
The kiddos worked in a small group to build a beaver dam!  They wrote a prediction about whether their dam would work or not and later, recorded their results!

This week we began our chapter on teen numbers!

Math Facts: Number bingo (10-20) on
At Your Seat: The kiddos counted and recorded the number of butterflies in multiple drawings.  They then glued the drawings in their journals in order from lowest teen number to highest.
Teacher Time: We counted objects as well as counted teen numbers represented with tens frames.  We discussed how if a tens frame is full, we can count it very quickly, not needing to count each individual object.
Hands On: The kiddos practiced showing teen numbers using tens frames!

On Wednesday we tie-dyed t-shirts for field day!  Thanks to two of our room moms who were able to come in to help!  The shirts came out fantastic!

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