May 22-24 Happenings!

Happy Memorial Day!

A very short week for the Kindergarten kiddos as they had Thursday and Friday off!  However, we had a very busy week!

On Monday, we kicked off our ABC countdown, which will run until the end of the school year.  You can follow the countdown through my Twitter account!

On Tuesday, we ventured to the high school to cheer on the students in our district who were participating in the Special Olympics.

We did not have reading or Let's Find Out this week, but we did complete centers on Monday & Wednesday!  We also introduced a new Trick Word: do


ABC Center
The kiddos wrote, traced, colored, highlighted, and stamped their new Trick Word do.

Handwriting Center
The boys and girls pulled a Trick Word out of a bucket and wrote the selected word on their white boards!

Book Circle
We followed along to a story and searched for/circled the word do

Fundations Center
We worked on editing the sentences we wrote last week.  We made sure that each sentence began with an uppercase letter, had spaces in between words, and ended with some type of punctuation!


We finished subtraction this week.  On Monday we worked together on deciding whether a drawing showed addition or subtraction.  On Tuesday and Wednesday we completed these centers:

Math Facts: Subtraction word problems & subtract without pictures on
At You Seat: The kiddos matched subtraction sentences to pictures showing subtraction
Teacher Time: We wrote subtraction sentences based on drawings.
Hands On: The kiddos went bowling!  Each student rolled the ball and knocked down as many pins as he/she could (out of ten).  The group then solved and recorded the equation to share how many pins were left standing!

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