May 1 - 5 Happenings!

Welcome to May!
Two months of school left and then it will be Summer.  That is so hard to believe!

On Wednesday we had walk to school day, in some beautiful weather!

This week we read This is the Way We Go To School by Edith Baer.  In this story we were introduced to many different ways children around the world get to school, such as by cable car, trolley, skis, and vaporettos.

We learned two new trick words: of and have!  We also worked on spelling and reading nonsense words (made up words that display our mastery of letter sounds).  We also learned about phrasing in sentences and that when we read, our voice sounds a certain way.


Work With Miss Farr
For reading groups, we read stories about taking a bus, getting ready for school, and the things we do at school.

Fundations Center
The kiddos identified the missing digraphs (th, wh, sh, ch, ck) from words.  They did a fantastic job!

ABC Center
The students wrote, traced, colored, highlighted, and stamped of and have.

Science Center
We went outside and drew what our adopted tree looks like now, in the spring!

Book Circle
The kiddos followed along to two stories and searched for/circle their new trick words on each page.

Writing Center
This week the kiddos drew and labeled two ways that children around the world get to school.  However, they could not draw a bus, car, or a person walking.

Handwriting Center
The boys and girls rainbow wrote our two new trick words 5 times with 4 colors.  That means they wrote each word 20 TIMES!

Art Center
The kiddos made bees out of cups for our bulletin board in the hallway!

Let's Find Out!
Our magazine this week was all about caterpillars!  We learned that a caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, while a moth spins a cocoon.  We also practiced identifying some common sight words!

We focused on doubles this week!  We kicked our math lessons off listening to this awesome rap!
These were our centers!

Math Facts - First grade doubles game on
At Your Seat - The kiddos completed our double facts on ice cream cones! Each ice cream cone had two scoops with the same number on each.  The kiddos found the sum and wrote it on the cone!
Teacher Time - We were given two groups of shapes or animals.  We counted the first group, doubled it, and wrote the sum.
Hands On - The kiddos played a board game called Doubles Aren't Trouble.  They each rolled a die, doubled the number shown, and then covered the sum on their board.

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