April 24-28 Happenings!

A fantastic week back!  We began the week with a special visit from Mrs. Farr, my mom!  On Friday, we wrapped up the week with Fancy Day!

Here are some photos from Friday!!

Our story this week was On The Move! by Donna Latham.  In this story we learned about different forms of transportation that are used all around the world.  From kayaks, to llamas, to double-decker buses we were able to see people travel using more than just cars!

We learned two new Trick Words this week: for and or.  We also began to review how we write our lowercase letters.  We discussed how each letter is written a specific way, beginning and ending at specific lines.  Please encourage your child to practice these at home.


Work With Miss Farr
Our reading groups read stories about transportation and our world.  We are focusing on touching each word as we read so we don't skip any!

Fundations Center
The kiddos sorted pictures by which digraph is used in the word.  They then drew a picture and labeled one of the images they sorted.

ABC Center
The students wrote, traced, colored, highlights, and stamped "for" and "or".

Seatwork Center
We used our magnet boards to spell given words.

Book Circle
Our two stories this week contained our new trick words "for" and "or".  The boys and girls followed along and circled these trick words.

Writing Center
The kiddos chose three different forms of transportation.  They drew and labeled each form of transportation.

Handwriting Center
We worked with our group to pick a Trick Word from a minion bucket.  Once the word was identified, each student wrote the word, minding the lines.

Art Center
We made butterflies and tulips for our classroom windows!

This week we continued to practice addition!  Two groups focused on drawing images or pictures to solve equations, while the other groups continued to practice solving equations.

M- Addition games on splashmath.com
A- The kiddos drew a picture to solve a word problem.  They then wrote a number sentence to show their work
T- We drew pictures to solve simple equations
H - the kiddos played a game in a small group.  They spun two spinners, then found the sum of the two numbers on which the spinner landed.  The kiddos then moved that many spaces.

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