April 3-7 Happenings!

Welcome to April!
The snow is melting and the rain is definitely here, but I'm hoping the warmer weather is on its way!

We had a great week continuing to prepare for our career day on Friday!  Thank you to all the parents who were able to come in to share with us what you do for work!  The kiddos were so excited to dress up on Friday and share with some classes what they want to be.  Now we can share with you!

Our story this week was Messenger, Messenger by Robert Burleigh. In this story Calvin Curbhopper, a messenger man, delivers mail to people in his city using his bike. He works in the rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Sometimes he has to eat on the run, ride down streets that aren’t the safest, and take an elevator to the 95th floor! This rhyming story really caught the kiddos attention! 

We introduced two new trick words: I, and you, and practiced using these words in sentences. We also learned that we use –ck at the end of words when the word contains a short vowel. 


Reading Groups
This week two groups read stories about cars, while another group read a story about a boy getting the mail.  We are working on pointing to the words as we read and sounding out words when we get stuck!

Fundations Center
The kiddos used their magnet boards to spell CVC words and words that contain digraphs such as shape, ship, and chat.

Social Studies Center
We made cards and drew pictures for family members and friends!  The kiddos then addressed the envelopes and brought them to the office to be mailed!

Handwriting Center
The boys and girls used Q-tips and paint to write I and you.  They then rainbow wrote the words with crayons!

Book Circle
The kiddos followed along to two short stories: I Feel and Can You See? They then searched for and circled their new trick words in the books.
Writing Center
The kiddos drew a picture and wrote a sentence to share what they would deliver if they were messengers.
ABC Center
The boys and girls traced, wrote, colored, and stamped their new trick words I and you.

Poetry Center
This week our poem was all about what we want to be when we grow up!  To illustrate the poem, the kiddos drew and labeled a picture of what they want to be when they grow up!

Lets Find Out
We learned about earthworms this week and how they help the soil. We also learned that an earthworm is not an insect and that it is not the only creature that helps gardens grow! 

This week we began our chapter on addition.
Math Facts: The kiddos played an addition game on starfall.com
At Your Seat: We cut out and glued ducks and frogs to model and solve addition problems.
Teacher Time: The kiddos worked with me to count two groups of animals, add them together, and use different ways to find the sum.
Hands On: The boys and girls modeled a story problem using counting bears.

We love spending time with our friends!

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