April 10-14 Happenings!

Happy Vacation!
We have made it through the hard stretch of February vacation to April vacation. One more final stretch and then it will be summer! 

This week we read the beloved story The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper. We talked about reading emotion this week to help our stories seem more real. I showed them how I changed my voice when the characters felt sad and excited. I encourage you to practice the same thing with your kiddos! 

We had one new trick word this week: they. We spent most of the week working on tapping out, blending, and spelling words containing digraphs. We also worked on being detectives and finding rules that we have learned in the words we are trying to read (ex. magic e and digraphs).


Work with Miss Farr
This week I read stories with each child in order to reassess their current skill level. We will have new reading groups after vacation.

Fundations Center
The boys and girls reviewed how to write lowercase letters. They practice writing these letters using their whiteboards. 

ABC Center
The students wrote, traced, colored, highlighted, and stamped they.

Handwriting Center
The boys and girls used stickers to decorate the letters in they. They also used markers to rainbow write.

Writing Center
The students drew a picture and wrote a sentence to answer the question: “What is something you didn’t think you could do, but were able to?”

Book Circle
The kiddos followed along to a story and searched for/circled the word they on each page.

Seatwork Center
The boys and girls traced and wrote each lowercase letter. They also traced and wrote the numbers 0-9.

Listening Center
We listened to the story There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick by Lucille Colando.

Art Center
The kiddos created Easter eggs and baskets using sponges, paint, and construction paper! 

Lets Find Out
We learned about the different parts of a plant this week! We learned that the roots grow below the soil, and the stem grows above the soil. We also learned that we eat some parts of plants.

This week we worked on adding two to numbers 0-10. On Tuesday and Wednesday we were able to do math centers, but had to switch to whole group lessons on Thursday and Friday due to computer issues. 

Centers- Tuesday & Wednesday
Math Facts- Addition game on splashmath.com
At Your Seat- The kiddos cut out carrots and cabbages to glue in a garden to represent simple addition problems. They then wrote the sum of the equation.
Teacher Time- We worked together to find the sum of addition equations by using cubes.
Hands On- The kiddos used a number line to practice addition.

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