January 30 - February 3

Welcome to February!

The year is continuing to fly by.  Before we know it, it will be June!

Here is what we did this week!

Our story for this week was Bunny Time! by Rick Walton and illustrated by Paige Miglio.  In this story, we followed a family of bunnies and learned what they did for a whole day.  We saw them go on different adventures, some big, and some small.  They went to the park for lunch, had a family walk, and read stories before bed.  This book also rhymes on every page.  The kiddos did a great job completing sentences with rhymes!

We spent a lot of time working on spelling CVC words.  We also learned about the magic, silent e that makes a previous vowel say its name.  We spelt words with and without the magic e and saw the difference it makes!  The students absolutely loved learning about this!


Fundations Centers
The boys and girls were given a word orally.  They then worked to tap out the word and spell it using their magnetic tiles.

Art Center
We made groundhog masks this week!

Handwriting Center
The kiddos practiced writing upper- and lowercase letters.

Poetry Center
We learned a poem called "I'm a Little Groundhog."  It can be sung to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot!"  The kiddos illustrated the poem with drawings of the most famous groundhog of all, Punxsutawney Phil!

Pocket Chart
The boys and girls identified the sounds in words and then made the word using letter cards.

Social Studies Center
The boys and girls listened and followed along to a story about groundhog day.  They then colored a few pages in the booklet.

ABC Center
We played BINGO to practice identifying the ending sound in words.  We had to listen very closely to a given word and see if our BINGO card had a word that ended with the same sound.

Writing Center
The kiddos drew and wrote to answer the question: "What adventures have you and your family had?"

This week we began our chapter on plane shapes!  These are our centers!

On Monday and Tuesday we learned about circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles.
At Your Seat- The boys and girls completed a shape search around our classroom! They found objects that were circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles.
Teacher Time- We identified a given shape and colored it a specific color.
Hands On- We made shape pizzas!

On Thursday and Friday we practiced combining plane shapes!
At Your Seat- The kiddos worked to make a square out of smaller squares and a triangle out of smaller triangles.
Teacher Time- We used pattern blocks to fill in images and shapes.
Hands On- The kiddos worked together to create larger shapes with smaller shapes.

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