January 23- 27 Happenings!

Hi again!

We read the book Hide, Clyde by Russell Benfanti.  The main character, Clyde, is a chameleon who doesn't know how to change himself into the correct colors!  One day he gets trapped in a house and he learns how to finally change colors!  The kiddos loved the illustrations in this book!

This week we finished uppercase letters!  Next week we will begin a new unit in which we will learn sight words!


ABC Center
The boys and girls practiced identifying vowel sounds in words using popsicle sticks and clothespins!

Writing Center
The kiddos drew and wrote to answer this question: "If you were a chameleon where would you hide?"

Seatwork Center
We continued to work on tapping out and spelling CVC words.  The kiddos did a fantastic job!

Art Center
The boys and girls made paper plate chameleons that change colors when the top plate is spun!

Handwriting Center
We practiced writing the rest of the uppercase letters. We are being very mindful of the Fundations lines: sky, plane, grass and worm lines!

Clipboard Cruising
We walked around the room and found a word for each letter in the word WINTER!

Fundations Center
The kiddos played a game to practice writing letters.  They picked a letter tile out of a bag, said the sound that letter makes, and then wrote the uppercase version of that letter.

Seatwork Center 2
The kiddos added details to a picture of a boy and a girl to tell where they are playing.  They made sure that their drawing matched their sentence. 

This week we finished the chapter on using numbers through 12.  These were our centers!

On Monday & Tuesday we learned about estimation.
Math Facts- The kiddos played this game
At Your Seat- The kiddos estimated how many marshmallows were in a picture.  They wrote their estimation and then counted to find the real amount.
Teacher Time- We practiced estimating using beads!
Hands On- We estimated and recorded our guess of how many cubes were in a bag.

On Wednesday and Thursday we learned about equal shares
Math Facts- We played this game!  They loved it!
At Your Seat- The kiddos had 6 snowman that they had to equally share between two snow globes.  They then wrote how many snowman were in each globe.
Teacher Time- We practiced breaking cube trains in equal groups of 2 and 3.
Hands On- The boys and girls played a game with two other friends.  They practiced sharing a given number of dog bones between a set number of dogs.

The weather took a turn, so Julia borrowed Miss Farr's coat!

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