February 6 - 10 Happenings!

Well the weather outside was frightful!  We had one full day of school, 2 days off, and 2 2-hour delays!  However, we did manage to get some work done!

The story we read this week, My Lucky Day, is by one of my favorite authors, Keiko Kasza. In this story a piglet arrives at a fox's house.  The fox thinks he will roast the pig for dinner, but the pig has other ideas!  He tricks the fox into giving him a bath, a massage, and cooking him a big dinner.  The fox gets so tired after all of these requests that he falls asleep and the pig leaves the house, alive and happy.  The kiddos really enjoyed this story.

This week we introduced our first two trick words: the and a.  We are so excited to start learning words!


ABC Center
The boys and girls wrote, traced, colored, highlighted, and stamped their two new trick words: the and a.

Fundations Center
They had to listen and then write CVC words: nap, dug, rag, pit, fog, ten.  They did a great job!

Handwriting Center
We BINGO dobbed and rainbow wrote our two trick words.

Book Circle
The boys and girls followed along to two stories that featured our two new trick words.  They then searched for and circled those words on each page!

Art Center
The kiddos made a fox with a paper plate and tissue paper!  Look how cute they came out!

 Writing Center
We drew and then completed a sentence to answer the question, "What would happen on your lucky day?"

Listening Center
The kiddos listened to my favorite story A Mother For Choco also written by Keiko Kasza.  They then drew their favorite part!

 Math Center
We practiced tracing and writing numbers 0-9.  Sometimes we write them backwards so we are working hard to make sure they're in the correct direction!

This week we learned about symmetry.  Due to the snowdays, we only did math two days.  These were our centers for practicing symmetry!
Math Facts- http://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-matching
At Your Seat- The students drew the second half of a picture of a penguin and a wolf to show symmetry.  They did a fantastic job!
Teacher Time- We identified pictures that had symmetry.
Hands On- The boys and girls painted one side of a paper.  They then folded it in half and saw how their painting now had symmetry!

 Jack and I matched on Friday!

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