January 17 - 20 Happenings

A quick update from this week!

We read the story Seeds by Ken Robbins.  This non-fiction book taught us that seeds come in many shapes and sizes!  We learned that pods, pits, and berries are different types of seeds and we learned that seeds need water, soil, and light to grow.

This week we continued to work on writing uppercase letters.  We talked about how uppercase letters are written at the beginning of names and the beginning of sentences.


Clipboard Cruising
The boys and girls walked around the room and found picture cards that were hidden.  On these cards were either a plant need or a plant part.  The kiddos copied down the word next to the appropriate picture.

Seatwork Center
The boys and girls wrote letters to President Donald Trump sharing what they think he should do as president.

Some friends wanted him to have pets!

   Others thought he should do something with his hair!

 Math Centers
This week we worked on ordinal numbers.  The kiddos visited these centers:
Math Facts: https://www.turtlediary.com/game/ordinal-numbers.html
At Your Seat: The kiddos glued friends in order while listening to the description of their places.
Teacher Time: The kiddos looked at a line of pattern blocks.  They drew the shape that was in each position.
Hands On: The kiddos played race car math!  They let the cars go down the track and colored which one was in first through fifth!

We also learned about more and fewer this week.
The kiddos colored pictures that had more objects and then colored pictures that had less objects.  They also played a game with a partner using counting bears and a tens frame.

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