January 9 - 12 Happenings!

Hi again!  A lot of germs are going around our classroom!  Sadly I was hit with the bug this week, so I do not have a lot of pictures, but read below to see what our learning looked like!

We read the story Farfallina and Marcel by Holly Keller.  This story is about a caterpillar, Farfallina, who befriends a gosling named Marcel.  The two play every day and become close friends.  One day when Farfallina isn't feeling right, she climbs up into a tree and begins her metamorphosis into a butterfly.  Marcel, growing into a handsome goose, waits for her and waits, but she never comes back, until one day he meets a butterfly.  Since they both have changed so much, they don't recognize each other!  Finally they figure out who is who and they reunite joyfully!

We began uppercase letters.  We will go through these quickly as most of the kiddos have mastered identifying these letters.  We also continued to tap out words!


Fundations & Handwriting Center
At both of these centers the kiddos practiced writing uppercase letters A-H.

Listening Center
After listening to the story There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow, the boys and girls drew the old lady and one thing that she ate!

ABC Center
The students worked to tap out and spell CVC words.

Social Studies Center
We read and then colored a story about Martin Luther King Jr.

Pocket Chart
Working together, the boys and girls identified the beginning sound of four picture cards.  One of the cards did not belong because it started with a different sound.  The kiddos did a great job identifying that different sound!

Writing Center
Since our story was about friends playing together, we drew and labeled a picture of what we like to play with our friends!

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