January 3 - January 6 Happenings!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a relaxing and joyful holiday season!  The kiddos were definitely happy to return to school.  We had a great week.

We started the New Year off with the book See How We Grow by Katacha Diaz.  This book is about twin girls and how they change and grow from the time they are born until the time they are kindergarten age.  We had a great time looking at our own baby pictures and sharing how we have changed.

We learned how to tap out, a way to sound out words.  We practiced tapping out and blending many words such as fog, sit, sat, rag, and zip.  I was so impressed with each student!


Fundations Center
The boys and girls practiced grabbing letters when given a sound.

Poem Center
We read a poem called "Happy New Year!"  The kiddos then illustrated the poem in their poem journals.

Pocket Chart
The boys and girls worked together to spell CVC words!

Writing Center
We drew and wrote to answer this question: "What does a newborn baby do?"

ABC Center
The kiddos took their time to practice tapping out CVC words.  They did an AMAZING job!

Science Center
We went outside to complete our winter tree observation!  The rainy/snowy weather did not stop us!

Handwriting Center
We continued to work on writing our names the correct way, being mindful of the Fundations writing lines.

Seatwork Center
The kiddos drew a picture and finished a sentence to share what they want to do in 2017!

This week we started our chapter on using numbers 0-12.  We focused on breaking numbers into two parts or identifying a different name for a number.  (Example: 10 can be 5 and 5 or 3 and 7).  We worked with partners to explore this concept. 

In other news...
Julia was so ready for Fitness Friday

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