December 5- 9 Happenings!

This week we reached our goal and earned our pajama day!  The kiddos looked fantastic in their PJs on Wednesday.  They also brought their stuffed animals.  Here are the cuties!

Oh... we did do some work too ;)

This week we read Whose Garden Is It? by Mary Ann Hoberman.  In this story we wondered who really owns a garden.  Is it the gardener? Is it the worm who works in the soil? The sun who helps the seeds grow?  The weeds who grow wherever they want? Or does the garden belong to everyone who lives and works in it?

Letters x and y this week!  We learned that x is different from our other letters.  It is the only letter for which the keyword picture (fox) ends with the sound instead of beginning with it.  We are continuing to work on writing all our letters the correct way!


Listening Centers
The kiddos listened to the story The Gingerbread Man.  For their next center, the boys and girls worked to put the characters in order from whom the gingerbread man ran away from first to last.

Pocket Chart
The boys and girls worked to sort pictures by the initial sound /y/ or the last sound /x/.

ABC Center
The kiddos then traced, wrote, and searched for the letters x and y.  They drew a picture for each sound.

Handwriting Center
The boys and girls traced the letters x and y and then colored the corresponding keyword pictures 'fox' and 'yellow'.

Art Center
The kiddos made gingerbread men and women!  They decorated them with glitter and sequins and even glued their faces on the heads!

Writing Center
The kiddos drew and labeled 3 animals that live in a garden!

Seatwork Center
The kiddos put the days o the week in order on snowmen!

Let's Find Out
This week we learned the difference between needing and wanting something.  We talked about how the kiddos might want candy, but they don't need it.  However, we learned that we need healthy food, water, shelter, and love!

We finished our chapter on graphs this week.  On Monday we completed some graphs all about gingerbread men!

On Thursday and Friday we began working on our next math unit: Numbers Through 12.
We put numbers in order from 1-9, drew pictures to show numbers, completed two pages in our math books, and grabbed cards to tell us how long to build our cube trains!

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