September 26-30 Happenings!

September is over!
How crazy is it that we have already completed one month of kindergarten!

Morning Work
The kiddos worked on identifying words that begin with /t/ and /b/.  They wrote those letters and they colored the corresponding picture.


Our story this week was Playdipus Lost, a book about a girl who loses her stuffed animal platypus over and over again.  The kiddos loved this story and the song that we sang with it!

We introduced the letters m and n!  We learned that they are both plane line letters and spent time practicing writing these letters.


The kiddos traced, wrote, and searched for the letters n and m.

Art Center
We made apples this week!  The boys and girls used tissue paper to make a stained "glass" apple.

Pocket Chart
We sorted pictures by the intial sounds /n/ or /m/.

Writing Center
The boys and girls drew a picture of their favorite toy and/or stuffed animal.

Fundations Center
We read our t, b, and f books that the kiddos colored!  They will soon take these home to enjoy and read at home.

Poem Center
We read a poem Fall.  The kiddos then drew a picture to illustrate the poem!

Drawing Center
We continued with our step by step drawing books and drew a spider, mouse, and balloon.

ABC Center
The boys and girls traced the letters m and n and colored the corresponding keywords man and nut.

We finished talking about positional words this week.  We played a game on the SMARTboard to practice using positional words:

 Play Time!! 

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