October 11-14 Happenings!

Happy Columbus Day!

After a three day weekend KA was ready to work!

We read the story Julius by Angela Johnson.  This story is about a girl and her pet pig.  They learn many things from each other, like manners and how to dance to jazz music.  They then share what they've learned with those around them.

The next letters we learned were c and o.  We focused a lot of our time this week on writing the letters correctly: making sure they touch both the plane line and the grass line.  We also worked on grabbing the correct letter by the given sound.


Handwriting Center
The kiddos traced the letters c and o and then colored the corresponding keyword pictures "cat" and "octopus".

Clipboard Cruising
The boys and girls walked around the room, searched for, and recorded words that start with each letter in FALL!

Seatwork Center
The kiddos worked together to sort the letters n, c, o, and f into different buckets.

Writing Center
We drew a picture of what we like to play with our friends!

ABC Center
The students traced, wrote and searched for the letters c and o.  They then drew a picture of something that begins with each letter.

Math Center
The kiddos worked with me to identify different groups of objects.  They then colored like objects with a specific color.

Pocket Chart
The boys and girls sorted pictures by the initial sound /c/ and /o/.

Drawing Center
The kiddos drew the next two pictures in their drawing books: a ladybug and a turtle.

This week we began chapter two on sorting!  We sorted objects that were alike in color and in size.

Lets Find Out
We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and we watched a time-lapse video of a pumpkin rotting!


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