May 9-13 Happenings!

I apologize for being a week behind on my blog updates!  This month has been full of busy weeknights and weekends!

This week we started a new unit for reading: Building Our Homes.  During this unit we will learn about all different kinds of homes: homes for animals, homes for people, and homes made out of different materials.  We started the unit with the book Homes Around the World, written by Judy Nayer.  In this book we learned about the diverse kinds of homes in the world.  We read about homes made of brink and homes carved from rock.  We read about homes that are built to keep heat in and others that are built to help the breeze cool the home.  The kiddos loved seeing the pictures of the homes and finding out that not all homes look like the ones they live in!

Work Board

Seatwork Center
The students were given two sentences and were asked to draw a picture that matched each sentence!  We have been working on this skill, especially during writing workshop!

Writing Center
The kiddos wrote a sentence and drew a picture to answer this question: What kinds of homes do people build?

Work With Miss Farr Center
This week we read stories about homes.  The kiddos completed an activity before or after they read with me!  (Not pictured: one group answered questions about where they live- their house number, road, town, state, country, and continent!)

Word Study
The boys and girls used a word bank to identify the objects in pictures.  They wrote the words remembering to use lower case letters!

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