April 25-29 Happenings!

Hi again!

Sorry for the long delay of posting this week's learning experiences.  I spent the weekend of April 29-May 1 at Comfort Zone Camp, a bereavement camp that I hold near and dear to my heart.  It was such a rewarding and humbling experience, but I was exhausted all last week, so finally here is the update for that week!

We read the story On the Move!  Written by Donna Latham, this book takes us around the world as we learn about different kinds of transportation.  We learned how your type of transportation depends on where you live.  For example, we talked about how we would not travel by dogsled, but people who live where it is always snowy would.  We added two words to our Word Wall Word list this week as well.  Those words were where and come.

We also focused on the letters Vv and Zz this week.  We practiced identifying words that began with each letter.  Here are some of the words we came up with!

Work Board

Writing Center
Each kiddo planned a trip for him/herself and a friend!

 Word Study
The boys and girls played a game called Fiddle Sticks!  They passed around a cup of popsicle sticks with Word Wall Words written on them.  The kiddos took turns pulling out a stick and reading a word.  They continued to read words until a student pulled out a stick with blue marker on it.  That student had to put all of his/her popsicle sticks back in the cup!  They had a blast!

Clipboard Cruising
The kiddos walked around the room searching for words that begin with each letter in the word SPRING!

Math Center
The students practiced putting teen numbers in order.  They cut out strips of paper that had a section of a flower on it.  Once they put the strips in order, the flower was complete! Source

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