April 4- April 8 Happenings!

Happy first full week of April!

The cold was definitely lingering this week, but I am hopeful that it is disappearing (and taking any chance of snow with it!)

We read Messenger, Messenger by Robert Burleigh this week.  Our main character, Calvin Curbhopper, makes deliveries in any kind of weather - rain, snow, wind, or sun.  He is always on the move, eating his lunch as he bikes and taking short cuts where he can find them.  We learned that being a messenger is hard work and that you have to stay on schedule so you don't deliver anything too late.  We read as Calvin pedaled his bike past traffic in the morning, and took his time coming home in the evening.

We focused on the letter U this week.  We practiced identifying words that contain the short /u/ sound and we practiced producing rhymes with words such as bug and tub.

Work Board

Writing Center
The boys and girls shared what they would deliver if they were messengers!

 Word Study
The boys and girls played Go Fish with their Word Wall Words!

Social Studies Center
The kiddos were messengers this week!  First they made cards for their loved ones.  Next they stuffed, addressed and stamped their envelope and then they delivered them to the mailbox in the office!

Work With Miss Farr
The boys and girls read stories this week about jobs, types of transportation and about deliveries.  They also completed a worksheet either before they read with me or after.

Fun Things This Week
We played a game on Thursday and Friday where we raced (walked quickly) to find a Word Wall Word!  The boys and girls had a blast!

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