October 24-28 Happenings!

A crazy week!  I was out both Monday and Tuesday.  I felt like I was gone for weeks and was so happy to finally come back on Wednesday.  Its hard to believe October is almost over!  We had our Halloween Party on Friday!  Pictures are below!!

We read our first non-fiction book this week: Life in An Ocean by Carol K. Lindeen.  We learned the difference between fiction and non-fiction books, the purpose of a table of contents and we explored the glossary.  The kiddos loved learning about the different plants and animals that live in the ocean.

Letters d and s this week!  Both of these letters are plane line round letters, and the s definitely proved to be tricky!  We worked again on rhyming by reading Miss Mary Mack!


ABC Center
The kiddos completed their typical ABC center work by tracing, writing and searching for the letters d and s.  They finished the center by drawing a picture of something that begins with each letter.

Drawing Center
The kiddos completed the next two pictures in their drawing book.  We are focusing on filling the space!

Pocket Chart
The boys and girls worked with an adult to sort pictures by the initial sound /d/ and /s/.

Art Center
We made pumpkins this week!  We decorated them by swirling food coloring in shaving cream.  Next we pressed our cut out pumpkins in the shaving cream.

Listening Center
The boys and girls listened to the book Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson.  They really enjoyed the story and liked drawing their favorite parts!

Handwriting Center
We completed the d and s page in our Fundations student notebooks!  We traced and wrote the letters d and s and colored the corresponding keyword pictures dog and snake.

Poetry Center
The kiddos read the poem Five Little Pumpkins they then illustrated the poem!

Let's Find Out
We learned about fire safety this week! We read and played a game to learn about which things around our house are safe and not safe to touch.

We began Unit 2: Getting Started with Numbers.  We started by learning about one-to-one correspondence and we learned how to write the numbers one and two!

And now for the party pictures.....


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