January 19-22 Happenings!

Hi everyone!

What a great week of fun and learning!  Our story for reading this week was Seeds by Ken Robbins.  We learned how there are many different types of seeds and we learned how they grow!  We also focused on the letter Oo this week.  We practiced identifying words that begin with the short o sound, and we practiced identifying words that have a medial short o.

Work Board Centers

Word Study- The students practiced writing Word Wall Words.  They each rolled a die and wrote down a specific word depending on the number they rolled!  We practiced writing the following words: they, see, you, look, of, and me.
Cooper at Word Study!
Writing Center- The students wrote a sentence and drew/colored an illustration to share what type of food with seeds they like to eat.  Some students are working on adding spaces after each word and starting our sentences with a capital letter, while other students are working on adding details to their drawings.
Anna copying a word from the cash register!

Clipboard Cruising- The kiddos walked around the room with a clipboard and searched for words that begin with each letter in the word Winter!  We had students looking at their peer's names, the globe, our Word Wall Words and at games in our classroom!

Abby making her cover!
Story Writing Center-  Last week we started writing picture stories.  We discussed what authors write stories about - events in their lives, special people, special trips, etc.  The students chose a topic and then created a three part story (beginning, middle, and end).  For the first few stories, we will only be drawing pictures to show details and share our stories!  We finished our stories this week and made our covers!

Seat Work Center- Distinguishing between vowel sounds can definitely be a tricky task in kindergarten!  In order to begin to master this skill we practiced identifying the vowel sound in words!  The students each had a clothespin and they chose a popsicle stick that had a picture on it.  They then clipped the clothespin on the vowel to identify the sound!

Isabella & Will hard at work!
Nice job Bella!
Will is very proud of himself!
Play-dough Play Center-  The kiddos are sharing their creativity more and more lately!  At play-dough on Friday, Anna and Alexis created Sadness from the movie Inside Out!

Other Fun Happenings

On Friday we showed our support for the Patriots who will be playing the Broncos on Sunday for the AFC Championship!  The Patriot pride in our classroom was fantastic!


  1. Love your blog. Thank you for all your time and efforts towards such fun filled learning.
